
If you passed Exam 70-698 before it retired on March 31, 2019, you only need to take MD-101 to earn the Modern Desktop certification.

Candidates for this exam are Administrators who deploy, configure, secure, manage, and monitor devices and client applications in an enterprise environment. Candidates manage identity, access, policies, updates, and apps.

As an Administrator, candidates typically collaborate with the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator to design and implement a device strategy that meets the business needs of a modern organization.

Candidates must be familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and must be proficient and experienced in deploying, configuring, and maintaining Windows 10 and non-Windows devices and technologies.

Exam Codes_ MD-101

Exam Fee: $165 USD* United States Price based on the country in which the exam is proctored.

Languages_ English

Retirement date: none

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks_ deploy and upgrade operating systems; manage policies and profiles; manage and protect devices; and manage apps and data. If you passed Exam 70-698 before it expired on March 31, 2019, you only need to take MD-101 to earn the Modern Desktop certification.

100% accurate question 

SPOTO provides real test questions for practice exams_ multiple choice questions, drag and drop questions, simulation questions 

Certified by IT certification experts 

All practice tests have accurate answers and are verified by a team of IT certification experts who have 18+ years of IT experience. 

The latest exam dump/practice test 

After purchase, we will ensure that you get up-to-date and complete exam materials to pass your exam. 

Pass the certification exam quickly 

As long as you pass the exam in three to five days, it is enough to answer the exercises correctly and the correct answers.

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Gerhard Pacocha

I'm happy to report that I passed today with a score of 910! There were 54 total questions including 2 case studies. I'd estimate a good 45 of the questions were the same ones I practiced on SPOTO. Reading the discussions helped give me deeper knowledge of the trickier concepts. You can't rely 100% on the answers here as I realized a few were incorrect or ambiguous. But SPOTO exposed me to the content and style of questions on the real exam. I'm thankful for this resource and everyone who contributes to making it so helpful!

Miss Jacquelyn Pacocha

Took the exam yesterday and passed with a score of 890. The majority of the questions came directly from SPOTO. There was 1 case study with about 6 questions. I made sure to not just memorize answers but read the detailed comments and explanations. This helped me better understand some of the more complex topics. Even though SPOTO was crucial, it's important to know your stuff too. A few of the answers here were actually wrong or outdated. But overall an amazing resource that was instrumental in my passing score.

Tiana Upton

I passed the exam today thanks to the help from SPOTO! There were 2 case studies with about 5 questions each. I'd say at least 45 of the questions were straight from this site. I carefully read the discussions for each question which really helped on the trickier ones. Even though most of the questions matched, you can't just rely on the answers here blindly. Make sure to dig into the comments so you actually understand the concepts. I ended up with an 860 which is not as high as I hoped but still passing. Overall this site was super valuable for my prep!

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