Wire LAB

CCIE Wireless certification can prove the candidates who master the expert-level knowledge and skills on wireless networking and WLAN technologies. After you take the CCIE wireless written exam, you should pass the lab exam within 3 years. Or you will retake the written exam before being allowed to try the CCIE lab exam again. It will waste a lot of money and time. SPOTO offers professional CCIE wireless lab study materials so that we can help you to go through the lab exam easily in the first attempt. Contact us to know more details! 

If you would be looking forward to obtaining the CCIE Wireless certification, you are required to go through two exams, which would be the core exam as well as the specialization exam. The core exam for CCIE as well as CCNP is the same. Once you would have cleared the core exam, you should clear the CCIE Wireless lab exam for earning your certification for CCIE Wireless.

Details of Cisco CCIE Wireless v1.0 Lab Exam:
1. Exam Objective: To validate expert-level knowledge and skills required to design, deploy, configure, and manage enterprise Wi-Fi networks.

2. CCIE Wireless v1.0 Lab Exam Topics:
- Wireless Networking Fundamentals: 802.11 standards, RF principles, antenna selection, etc.
- Wireless Controllers: Configuration, management, HA, QoS, etc.
- Wireless APs: Configuration, management, location, etc.
- Wireless Security: Authentication, encryption, WIPS, etc.
- Wireless Network Optimization: Interference mitigation, capacity planning, etc.
- Wireless Features: Location services, VideoStream, Mesh, etc.
3. Exam Format: 8-hour onsite lab exam, 4-5 complex wireless network configuration and troubleshooting tasks need to be completed.

4. CCIE Wireless v1.0 Lab Exam Tips:
- Be proficient with configuring and managing Wireless Controllers (e.g. 5500) and Wireless APs (e.g. 3602).
- Proctor may deploy interference sources based on the network topology to test interference mitigation skills.
- Configuration tasks are difficult, requiring efficient completion of configuration and testing within tight timelines.
- Be proficient with various show commands to quickly troubleshoot network issues.
- Passing score is 1000 points, the exam is quite challenging, requiring extensive and in-depth study of wireless networking technologies.
In summary, the CCIE Wireless Lab Exam requires expert-level wireless networking knowledge and skills, proficiency with Cisco Wireless Controllers and Wireless APs, and strong abilities in wireless network configuration, management, and troubleshooting. It is also the highest technical certification in the wireless networking field. The exam is quite difficult but offers high professional credibility in wireless networking upon passing.

5. Pass CCIE Wireless v1.0 Lab Exam key challenges are:
1) Becoming proficient with configuring and managing various wireless devices.
2) Developing strong wireless network troubleshooting and issue isolation skills.
3) Completing difficult configuration tasks efficiently within tight timelines.
4) Achieving a high passing score, requiring the comprehensive and in-depth study of wireless networking knowledge and technologies.

So to prepare for the CCIE Wireless Lab Exam, the keys are gaining extensive hands-on practice to become proficient with the technologies and enhance your problem-solving speed and skills. SPOTO provides online CCIE Wireless v1.0 Lab practice, with the real exam Same exam environment and exam questions.

CCIE Wireless LAB Examination Content 

SPOTO CCIE Wireless lab exam material includes 2 modules_ DIAG and CFG&TS. 

Here are the details_ 

DIAG: DIAG 1(1 set),DIAG 2(5 sets)


The CCIE Wireless certification would be authentication of your skills as well as knowledge about complex enterprise wireless solutions. Passing the core 350-401 exam would be able to provide you a specialist certificate. You must pass the CCIE wireless lab exam for obtaining get CCIE Enterprise Wireless Certification. 

Why should I pass the CCIE WIRELESS Lab? 

There are numerous benefits for the CCIE Wireless Certification, one of the most important benefits of passing the CCIE wireless lab exam would be that you obtain the certification for CCIE Enterprise Wireless. The certification would provide you the below-mentioned benefits_ 

Authenticates Your Skills 

The certification would be able to prove that you would possess the skills and knowledge that would be relevant to the job roles of CCIE Wireless and the needs of the organization that would be hiring you. Those that gain the badge are considered prepared for the automation as well as network programmability because these topics would have been fully covered in the CCIE wireless lab exam. 

Obtain Job Quickly and Easily 

Passing the core exam as well as the CCIE wireless lab test would be able to make you stand out among other job applicants when looking forward to obtaining a job. Employers would prefer to hire you because you would have proven your skill in dealing with the whole life cycle of a network as well as other emerging technologies. With your ability to design and build a CCIE wireless lab, you become a highly valued member of the company. 

Endless Job Opportunities 

The job market for passers of the CCIE wireless lab exam would be growing swiftly. As someone with the CCIE Wireless certification, you would be able to apply for several job openings like the network engineer, network architect, and senior engineer, all of which would be high-paying jobs. The certificate brings a brand value knowing that anyone who would be acquiring the badge must have undergone the most rigorous training to pass the CCIE Wireless Lab exam. 

How to Pass CCIE WIRELESS Lab? 

With all the advantages that the CCIE Enterprise Wireless Certification could bring one’s major advantage to clear the CCIE wireless lab exam. This certification exam is considered to be the toughest among Cisco certifications. However, with the help of SPOTO, an agency that would be offering the online certification training courses, you could pass the test as well as obtaining the badge on the first attempt. SPOTO provides the CCIE wireless lab exam dumps that would provide you the guarantee of a 100% passing rate. The dumps would be including the workbooks as well as solutions that are 100% valid, real, and timely updated. 

About the CCIE WIRELESS Lab 

The CCIE wireless lab exam is considered to be an 8-hour hand-on test for authenticating one’s skills in designing, implementing, deploying, planning, and optimizing a network throughout its life cycle. The exam is going to costs you about $1,600 per attempt. Only those that would have cleared the CCIE/CCNP core exam could take the CCIE wireless lab exam. Major topics of CCIE Wireless Lab Exam:

  1. Automation, Analytics, and Assurance (10%)
  2. Enterprise Wired Campus (10%)
  3. Enterprise Wireless Network (25%)
  4. Radio Frequency and Standards (15%)
  5. Wireless business applications and services (20%)
  6. Wireless Security and Identity Management (20%)

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Thank you for letting us know this is a valid Cisco CCIE dump. Although I feel also that some of the answers are not correct. Many times it requires a lab to make sure which one is the right answer. It would be a help if you could write those down that you found out already. Many thanks in advance.

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