642-887 The 642 -887 SPCORE implements the next generation core network service examination for Cisco service providers. The exam tests candidates undefined understanding of the concept and implementation of MPLS technology and MPLS-TE services. It also verifies the understanding of the basic quality of service technology and the quality of service of multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) in order to achieve advanced features and functions.

CCNP SPCORE 642-887 Exam


The CCNP 642-887 SPCORE implements the next generation core network service examination for Cisco service providers. The exam tests candidates undefined understanding of the concept and implementation of MPLS technology and MPLS-TE services. It also verifies the understanding of the basic quality of service technology and the quality of service of multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) in order to achieve advanced features and functions.

Exam Code: 642-887 SPCORE

Certification Provider: Cisco

Certification Exam Name: CCNP 642 -887 SPCORE

Average Salary: $56,975- $112,223

Most Popular Job for Employees with a CCNP Certification

Network Engineer Sr. Network Engineer Network Administrator Network Architect Information Technology (IT) Manager Network Security Engineer Systems Engineer (Computer Networking / IT)

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